Empowered Self Talk


 Empowered Self Talk

Write something empowering about yourself, e.g., something you admire.
Write down something negative about yourself, e.g., something you wish were different.
Turn on the audio and proceed with the meditation.
Read through its instructions, and when you understand them, begin the meditation.

The Meditation:

Self TalkClose your eyes. Breathe deeply in and out as you bring to mind the empowering statement you wrote. Let the energy of this empowering statement move through you as you watch your breathing. Continue to breathe deeply in and out, in and out. Notice how easily and freely your energy moves. Notice that you relax more and more deeply with each breath you take. As you breathe, in and out, notice your mind and what it does. Just watch. When you feel your empowering energy move fully throughout your body, notice it.

Continue to breathe, relaxing more and more deeply, breathing in and out, in and out.

Continue to breathe as you now bring to mind the negative statement for yourself. Notice shifts in your thoughts and shifts in your breathing. Feel where and how tension enters your body. 

Now, move back and forth between the empowering and negative statements a few times. As you do this, notice shifts in your body energy and how you feel. As you shift back and forth, monitor your breathing.

On your next empowering statement, maintain your calm and uplifting breathing rhythm, in and out, and as you do, focus the energy of your empowering words in your memory. Bring your fingers to your forehead and tap the place between your eyebrows several times while repeating your empowered energy words. 

Stop tapping.

Continue breathing, remembering this energy. Maintain this feeling as you bring the negative statement to mind. Continue your “empowered” breath pattern while it internally transforms your negative idea’s energy effect. Allow yourself to go back and forth with your statements until the negative image transforms through your breathing, and empowering energy surrounds it. The statement may even change into an empowering one. You may tap your forehead again and stop tapping as your inner smile forms. You are in charge of your mind. You can change your thoughts.

Now, open your eyes and maintain your deep breathing.

Close your eyes again and anchor the empowered energy in your gut. You will remember this feeling and keep it with you. Breathe deeply in long breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Relax. Again, remember this feeling.

Open your eyes, ready to move energetically and optimistically in your day.

Note: The effectiveness and impact of this tool increases with use. If you have partial success shifting your experience, continue working on your statement until you feel it shift . Use this meditation as often as you wish until it becomes part of your inner toolbox of transformation.
