Gratitude In The Four Worlds

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Summary Of The 3 Steps

Step 1

  • Recognize a problem or negative thought in your life. Decide that you are going to change it.

Step 2

  • When you encounter this problem, think of something else you want that is empowering, or think of something you remember that was empowering.

Step 3

  • Breathe deeply, feel gratitude. ‘Thank’ the universe, God, or whatever Higher Power guides you.


Step 1: Recognize a problem in your life. Decide to change it.

What you think, and where you put your focus of attention, changes what happens to you in the future:
  • When you think about something it gets bigger.
  • Example, if I tell you not to think about your nose, notice that you immediately put your attention on it and become aware of your nose.
  • Write down a couple of things that would be empowering if they happened to you. Use these as a reference to think about later.


Step 2: Put attention on how you would feel if something empowering you want happened.

Attention goes where you put it. The empowered builds empowerment. When you remember or project the empowered feelings, happiness grows.

Bring all of your senses into your image

  • Imagine it
  • See it 
  • Hear it
  • Taste it
  • Touch it
  • Smell it

When you consciously experience what empowered you, and you remember the components of that remembrance, you build the neurological pathways that help realign your present self to that energy. Using this practice in meditation and with affirmations in front of a mirror may be powerful tools for you to use. The more you engage this part of your self, the more joy and abundance feels magnetized by your energy.


Step 3: Breathe deeply, feel gratitude. ‘Thank’ the universe, God, or whatever Higher Power guides you.

When your life overflows with the expression of gratitude you live in abundance and love becomes/is your primary experience.

  • Expressing thanks tells your subconscious that what you imagine now is real.
  • Gratitude is important because when you recognize and appreciate what empowers you, it grows.
  • The subconscious recognizes intent and registers everything in present time.

Gratitude Journal Template

NOTE: The “because” statement is a tangible, concrete feeling, perception, action, attitude, or perspective that activates the space inside you for experiencing your gratitude.



Write one or more gratitude statements in each area of functioning: mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical in this format:


I am grateful for/to ___________________

because I _____________________.

If you would like to  download a printable  Gratitude in the Four Worlds Worksheet, please sign you for your Free Members Only Course at

The file is under Weekly Wisdom –> Resources–> Gratitude Journal Workbook