Meditation For Transformation Synthesis

Meditation for Integrative Awareness

Use this hypnotic meditation when you want to balance energetically on the mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical layers while releasing and bypassing personal content. Stand when doing this meditation so the spiritual/physical/mind/body connections actively engage. 

Listen To The Meditation


 Find a place where you are comfortable, so you are undisturbed. A place where you experience total relaxation and can be entirely in line and in harmony with your environment, so you experience energy moving through your body congruently. Set your intention to experience all of the body’s muscles relax and completely balance, in line, and in harmony.

Begin by breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. Bring the energy in through the top of your head and allow it to move downward through your body releasing any stuck energy into the earth. Continue breathing in a relaxed and natural way.

Now, are you in the right space? Adjust your position, so you are in the right space. Stand in a centered, firm stance, balancing the body comfortably. From this space, here, face in the right direction. Notice, just notice, the surroundings, reposition your self so you are as balanced as you can be, breathing in… and out… in your space …, prepare to receive inner self-awareness… with involvement of all senses. Your sense of sight… what do you see? …  Your sense of hearing… what sounds do you hear around you? … Your sense of smell, … what smells do you notice around you… — entering in through your nose and into your cells. …Your sense of taste …– what kind of taste is in your mouth now? … Now, are you in the right space? …  adjust your position, all around so you are perfectly in balance, in perfect alignment for this space now.

And notice as awareness goes to all your senses, including the sense of touch, the air moving around your body, any clothes on your body, in contact with your skin, … close your eyes and remember your surroundings, … and internally, listen to your voice of self, … talking to you about your inner experiences and their landscapes. As you become increasingly internal, put your attention on your postural alignment. Bring awareness to the energy so it moves into your body from the top of your head, down through the center of the body into the ground, moving as it flows through your Heart radiating love as it moves further down, down, your body and into your feet. Recognize the sensations in your feet touching the floor – feeling the weight of the body touching another surface and relax … each cell and its tension…. Feel a flow of sensation—inwardly – coursing through your feet.

Become aware of the balance between your left and right sides and move the energy sensations in your feet until you feel the flow inside your consciousness. Notice, just notice the structure of bones holding your body in position and move the energy right and left, relaxing every muscle, and letting it flow freely. Now, all tension in between you and your muscle structure lets go in-to harmony. Relax the body’s muscle tensions feeling the moving energy in just the right balance so that what’s left is only space, … a space from which you listen to the true harmonies of your deep self. You know what you need to let happen to balance now – breathe into the balance and allow, just allow, just for the moment, just for now, in this right place, in this right space, in this right position. Let right find left in remembering to let go and leave all tensions outside your inner space of aligned relaxed tension free body. You have only what is in this moment, nothing before and nothing to go to. Only being here now.

And just for now, feel the strength of the ground supporting the body structure. Feel the strength of the bones and structure standing solidly in a centered internal space, facing in the right direction, and all that’s left in awareness is at just the right height, at the right angle of alignment, and ready to move even more deeply into the knowing of the Self.


Light the way deep relaxed inner knowing of a natural path emerges before you. Deep trust of knowing forms wordlessly inside this space. This path is a path you’ve known before in your life; along this path is perfection of balance, perfect knowing, and right alignment. What is left now is knowledge and understanding, and trust in knowing and understanding as you move forward balancing all experiences to find and follow this right path.

Nothing is as it was before, yet what is familiar inside your cells adjusts directions, positions, and relieves all tensions as attention realizes how to feel even stronger more balanced energy moves within as depth of awareness now lets go of past tensions and awakens a new balance within. Listen to the excited flow of movement and notice, just notice, how easy it is to shift focus when right. Decide now on balance and freedom from any tensions so they melt away into a fresh and new sensation and an inner sense of comfort replaces all old landscapes and this new balanced space of freedom and relaxation replaces all spaces behind you. Look forward with discerning ability to know the body’s signals – they speak with more gentle strength loudly enough that with only a whisper of attention you hear within and know instinctively how to relax, realign, and reposition your self so you can proceed in the right directions and what is left with and outside of your own space is in alignment with your highest potential and self.

And whatever is now left, is right and what is right is left, and balance in the Now is Now. Now, come back into a self – ready to meet and be aware of your self as a vehicle meeting life fully awake and alert ready to move forward. Coming into your room and into your full awareness. Awake and alert.

 Note: Hypnosis meditations do not constitute medical treatment and are not to be used when driving or in situations that require focused attention.