Learn Reiki

What Is Reiki?

Reiki, a natural pure white light healing energy, is channeled through an individual initiated into Reiki. The initial (first-degree) Reiki initiation involves a series of four “attunements” that activate and set the energy path in the initiated individual. The path runs through the crown chakra of the individual through their body and hands. Whenever a Reiki-initiated individual touches any living organism, the Reiki energy automatically, effortlessly, and naturally flows from their hands.
The difference between Reiki and other healing works is that Reiki’s energy flow is independent of the energy, clarity, and healing ability of the person doing the healing work. In addition, because Reiki is a pure white light energy, the healer is only a conduit; therefore, negative energy cannot be absorbed or transferred through the healer. In other healing modalities, differences often exist in the intensity and energy level of the individual doing the healing work.
In Reiki, the power of the energy transmission varies based only on the level of Reiki to which the healer has been attuned or initiated. In Reiki, the healer needs no protection from negative forces or energies and does not need to center and meditatively focus when engaging in healing to keep the energy pure. Reiki remains pure energy regardless of the healer’s consciousness, physical, emotional, or mental state. It is a facilitative healing energy that can only work for the highest good.

Next Classes

Class Details: Duration: 2 days 
Next Class: July 31 and August 2
Time: 4-6 Eastern
Instructors: Dr. Eleanor. Dr. Marvin
Location: Online via Zoom

Current Pricing Level 1

Online Zoom Training

Learn Reiki

Reiki Level 1 (Individual)

Remote Course and the Level 1 Attunements
Classes Over Zoom
Cost: $250.00
Click Here For Next Class Scheduled and Registration Page

Learn Reiki

Reiki Level 1 (Couple)

Remote Course and the Level 1 Attunements
Classes Over Zoom
Cost: $300.00
Click Here For Next Class Scheduled and Registration Page

Learn Reiki

Reiki Level 1 (Child)

Remote Course and the Level 1 Attunements
Classes Over Zoom
Cost: $150.00
Click Here For Next Class Scheduled and Registration Page

What Reiki Does

  • Reiki brings about an alignment of the physical and emotional energies of the individual.
  • Reiki releases physical and emotional energies blocking the free flow of energy in the individual.
  • Reiki provides a tool that is always available in emergencies.
  • Reiki promotes harmony and balance in an individual.
  • Reiki gives individuals power over themselves by providing a tool to grow consciousness and wholeness.
  • Reiki requires no special tools or states of consciousness to work.
  • Reiki purports no particular religious beliefs.
  • Reiki increases one’s sense of power by always maintaining a connection with the Universal Life Force.
  • Reiki is cost-effective.

The Reiki Initiation

The Reiki initiation process is exact and specific; a true Reiki Master follows a defined invariable formula. As in any valid initiation process, the Reiki Master is only necessary for their professional adherence to the system’s integrity but is irrelevant as an individual personality in the process. 

Each level of Reiki power is complete so that no other attunement or process is required once the initiation process is completed at a given Reiki power level. In addition, the energy path is set for life and remains active whenever the individual with Reiki touches a living being.

3 Levels

Three levels of Reiki are available, which honor the integrity of pure Reiki teaching: 

First-degree Reiki activates the healing energy to flow when any living being is physically touched.  

Second-degree Reiki activates healing energy using certain symbols the Reiki practitioner uses. Healing can be done directly on the recipient of the healing or at a distance, i.e., without the recipient being physically present. In other words, second-degree Reiki takes the healing energy out of time and space. Second-degree Reiki heightens the power of the Reiki energy tenfold. 

Third-degree Reiki activates Reiki healing energy that sets Reiki pathways in another person; thus, third-degree Reiki allows the Reiki Master to initiate others into Reiki


Through the years, many factions developed in the Reiki organization, and individuals began to change the attunements and the teaching, thus diluting its energy and dissipating its integrity. Only some individuals who claim to teach Reiki have the keys to do the attunements, and some people who claim to teach Reiki need to realize that a specific attunement process that sets the energy path is required. Eleanor and Marvin continue to honor the purity of the teaching and do the Reiki attunements without any modifications to the system. Dr. Eleanor and Dr. Marvin,  Honor The Lineage of: Usui, Hayashi, Takata, Furumoto 

Reiki First Degree Costs

  • $250.00 for a new student
  • $300 for a couple,
  • $150 for a child 14 and under
  • $40.00 for a refresher or to ensure you have authentic Reiki.

Reiki Second Degree is taught in two parts: both classes meet for approximately two hours. The cost is $500.00.

If you have already studied Reiki and want to be sure your attunements have been correctly done and that the symbols you have learned are accurate, we will re-attune you and check you on your symbols as a “refresher” participant. Call (310) 403-4347 or email Eleanor at [email protected] for classes or consultations.



Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. became a meditator and energy worker in the early 1970’s. Reiki came to her attention in 1977. She enrolled in a Reiki class to determine if it had any validity. Mrs. Takata attended that Reiki class. After the first attunement, Eleanor was instructed to go home and to do Reiki on herself. She followed the instructions and when she awoke the next morning, she noted that she could see without glasses that she wore for very severe myopia. Something extraordinary had happened.

Dr. Eleanor knew that Reiki has validity. She completed her first-degree Reiki initiation and studied second degree Reiki. At the time, Mrs. Takata did not make third degree Reiki available. Mrs. Takata passed the Reiki keys to others before her death in 1980. After Mrs. Takata died, Reiki became more generally available. Eleanor studied third degree Reiki in 1981 and is an active member of the Reiki Alliance, the Reiki organization committed to honoring the integrity of the teaching.

Eleanor received her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, Committee on Human Development in 1971; she is a private practice clinical psychologist and coach. In 2000, Eleanor developed her own integrated system of personality (cf. www.nobleenergymaps ). She is a former President of the Southern California Society for Clinical Hypnosis, a certified Clean Language Coach, and has published six books, four of them best sellers.


Marvin Portner, M.D. had been doing healing work for many years when Eleanor introduced him to Reiki in 1978. The purity and healing power of Reiki energy impressed him; he found that the intensity and reliability of the energy work he did after his Reiki initiations brought a new dimension to his other work with patients. Marvin expanded his study of Reiki through the years and has been consistently using and teaching it since he and Eleanor were initiated as Reiki Master Teachers in 1981.

Dr. Marvin is Board Certified in Allergy, Immunology, and in Internal Medicine; he trained at the University of Michigan (Phi Beta Kappa) and UCLA. Since early in 1970, Marvin has integrated holistic, alternative medicine into his traditional medical training and practice. As a private practice physician, Marvin spends time with his patients getting to know them and talking to them about their history as well as about their health concerns and decisions. Phone calls are returned and appointments are made in a timely manner.

Dr. Marvin’s office runs on time with no bureaucracy. His home office provides a meditative healing environment. Fees may be adjusted to meet the needs of the individual patient. Each person is treated according to their own needs rather than as an impersonal clinical case. Dr. Marvin currently practices in both South Carolina and California and acts as an expert witness in medical legal cases.